A Huge Thanks you from Tilton Talk Show and the Blues Trust

Many thanks to those fans who took time to sign the petition. Your support, along with around 2000 others, for the open letter together with action from other supporters’ groups and individuals brought pressure for change at executive level at our club. With the departure of Mr. Ren, we are hopeful that the blockage for dialogue with the fans has been removed.

At Blues Trust we are calling for the new CEO to be chosen for their ability to do the job of running a football club with an understanding of the game, our club and how it intertwines with local culture, history and people.

Blues Trust and Tilton Talk will always call out publicly poor stewardship of our club if this is the only way to be heard, however we would much prefer to work with the executive to the benefit of the club. Therefore, we will be seeking to engage with the new CEO when appointed in an effort to make the most of this opportunity to reset the relationship between fans and the club.

 We believe that true fan engagement can bring a togetherness to help build a brighter future for the club and help this sleeping giant wake once more.

Once again thank you for your support.


Tilton Talk Show in partnership with Blues Trust


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