Fans react to the loss away to Millwall.

We’re going down, said it since the Wednesday game we concede and score to many after the 80th minute. We can’t see a game out

If, and that’s if, we stay up, we need a big clear out, some players there that flatter to decieve 😡😡

Never seen Ruddy throw or kick the ball out to the opposition as badly as he did today. It didn’t help that we couldn’t keep the ball, or pass the ball to each other. Today was a must win, our game in hand is a game we can’t afford to lose.

Going down Millwall were rubbish they actually made blues look good at times and we still couldn’t beat them this blues squad are embarrassing.

Think we’ll stay up just because there are other strugglers down there, but it’s been a terrible season’s return. This should have been a game where we get something.

Marc Roberts the donkey giving donkey rides when he is not pointing wherever people should be but can’t do his own job how many managers has he seen off ? One of the poison back four only one left

Not good enough for this league, no warriors, no battlers, few ideas, just very poor average players with no future. My hope for survival went today 😫

For the first time I am clearly of the opinion that this could be the season we go down. For 70 mins the other night v Hull and for over 40 mins this afternoon we played as if we are mathematically safe and ready for the beach.
Add to the fact the vast majority of the squad are simply not good enough and lack the passion and guile to contribute to our great club,well it all adds up to League one as befits a lot of these players. Hope I’m wrong big time. Keeping my fingers crossed for Middlesbrough game on Tuesday Night.
Keep Right On.

Too many changes from midweek. Only needed to drop Dembele, possibly James.

There’s no striker in our team to score goals stansfield is doing his best but he’s a 10 we need another horsfield , Marlon king type to lead the line , it’s so frustrating

We don’t seem to turn up in the first half. Yes we should have had a pen but we’ve got to be ready for battle from the word go. 3 wins all season away from home is not good enuf! Must win game on Tuesday simple as that! We’ve got to see some fight from them now. No excuses. We don’t have var. efl against us. We’ve got to have this in our own hands! We keep right on!

42 mins before 1st shot! I’m hoping to win the Lottery tonight, not buying a ticket, but still hoping to win! The PR stunt could cost us!

Sadly think it’s written in the stars..it’s League One somehow with these players 😭😭😭How are we at this predicament 🤬

Post match interview on BBC WM – Claire Giblin




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5 Replies to “Fans Reaction Millwall v Blues”

  1. We have looked doomed since Eustace was sacked to put Rooney in charge what clown thought that up .unfortunately with our manager seriously ill we are going down ,we haven’t got the fighters likewe had when Rednap kept us up

  2. LOL @ Garry Cook ! All of this is on him, Getting paid huge sums of money to make the new owners look like clowns

    Proper Circus yet again and we deserve so much better

  3. Bacunna too lazy. Roberts not good enough. Pritchard not the player we thought. Ruddy can’t kick to our players. Sunjic not going anywhere.stansfield snatches at shots . We are doomed with this lot. No enthusiasm no bite, no commitment. No fight. Pathetic at this time of season.

  4. My plea to Tom Wagner and Tom Brady is for the pair of them to get into that dressing room asap. This is no gimmick believe me as Mark Venus is not the answer for this survival fight. Nothing personal but that dressing room needs the owners in and spell the reality of this unnecessary and hideous situation this team finds itself in. Get Juke back in for Tuesday and he will get Dembele up and running. Under feeble team management without Tony Mowbray is going to be too costly to contemplate. Wagner and Brady is my urgent call.

  5. Need James in with Hall and Myoshi and Pak, Bacuna and Dembele are luxury players we can’t afford.

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