Fans react to loss at home to Leicester City.

J.J was outstanding Blues played well. We Definitely need new players In January… Striker, midfield and a Defender with Pace.

Give it to JJ for the goals
Don’t think we played too bad
Leicester were far better than what we have.
On to Saturday

Mistakes seem to cost us but a much improved performance …roll on Plymouth

We played well especially against the league leaders, we need to get Jordan James on a long contract, there’ll be a lot of teams after him. KRO.

Leicester are different class in this league. Nice to see JJ getting games under Rooney and scoring goals! Forgot he played for us under you know who!

Bad errors 😕 but overall proud we just lost to a team who are top and have a prem squad. Look at the bench lol well done lads.

Against better opposition I like this pressing and stopping teams playing but Beilik and Sunjic can’t both go at the same time , one has to sit in, leaves a big hole, they were chasing back for the goals. JJ positive on the ball always looking for forward pass so MoM for me. Called 2 v 3 pre match too.

Better performance but the defence parts like the red sea at times which I don’t think they will change so we need 2 quality experienced central defenders in the January transfer window. Play Etheridge in goal untill the summer and settle for a mid table finish with a big clear out in the summer lcfc probably played in patches but there quality was there when they needed it KRO

Pleased with performance tonite we did play well defenders got caught but we had spirit tonite i think we will go on and improve we looked good at times kro have faith

A decent performance. Leicester are just in a different class to be fair.
To get that level of performance after recent efforts is a pretty good show in my book

Bielik poor aiwu poor we wanted too long on the ball we had good spells our team at back one paced james played well stansfield never stopped running I personally can see 4-5 players incoming January

Best I’ve seen us play this season under Rooney against the best team in this league.
Definitely signs of improvement. Just need 2/3 quick ball players in Jan. then big rebuild in the summer

JJ gets better and better. Feared a real beating but we showed a bit of the spirit that has deserted us in recent weeks and were unlucky. A few positives to work on, lets dust ourselves down for the tricky trip to Plymouth.

Conceded three on counter attack and at times made Leicester look plain. We deserved more and it will
Come. JJ on fire .


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7 Replies to “Blues V Leicester, fans reaction.”

  1. A good performance apart from the defending… Ruddy should of stayed on his line for there two goals not sure what’s happened to Beilik but remember Wilfred Nddidi cost Leicester 17 million.

    1. Two silly mistakes defensively , could easily have scored a couple more ourselves . Obviously they are the stand out team in the division that is what we are aiming for . How do we build a team like that when one player cost more than our squad ? Over to you mr Wagner !

  2. At the match and Leicester were different class to us especially in the First half,with better finishing it could and should have 5 or 6 -1 at half time,they completely outplayed us really,Bielik and Sunjic had no grip on midfield at all.We had some moments in the first half especially the superb James goal but in general we were outlasted by their slick passing and pace.We give it a go in the Second Half but we are miles off where we want to be but you can see the seeds of improvement.

  3. Blackburn – L – ✅
    Rotherham – D – ✅
    Coventry – L – ✅
    Cardiff – L – ❌ ( Very Happy to be Wrong )

    Leicester – L – ✅
    BUT……….. I was expecting a 6-0 / 7-0 Hammering

    Our performance last night was very good, lads you know yourselves you’re actually better than last night aswell. I’d imagine most of you are kicking yourselves today because you know it 🫵🏻

    Their first goal was 2 cases of bad luck, bacca getting tackled on the edge of the box but Moreso the ricochet off the attacker back into his path when we tried to clear the second ball. WE NEVER HAVE ANY LUCK WITH SECOND BALLS HAS ANYBODY ELSE NOTICED THIS ! They always bounce to the opposition ! It’s crazy how much this happens

    The fact our back line have only played together once before last night will leave gaps, if you ain’t played as a unit for 10 games you will leave gaps ! It’s settled teams that learn what their limitations are, when to go forward, who goes forward, who stays back, where people run, who covers etc that will come in time. Sanderson, Robert’s, Buchanan, Aiwu are very competent professionals they will get it right I trust them 100% to do so !

    Another one of the goals was a naughty deflection ! They happen.

    However You have proven that you can compete for the play offs this year WITH YOUR PERFORMANCE LAST NIGHT ! And that you’re willing to fight for the 90 minutes. You’d be amazed how loved you will be even if we lose IF YOU BATTLE FOR THE 90 !

    3-1 down coming back to 3-2, and still creating opportunities to get the draw against a team that’s packed full of premier league quality flying at the top of the table 13 points clear of the play offs !

    It’s a bloody outstanding achievement and don’t let anybody tell you any different,

    That said you are better than last night ! And if you continue like you did last night we’re going to start winning both home and away That’s a fact !

    The play offs are still a possibility ! But not a necessity this season. Not getting relegated is the most important thing.

    As for the team itself ! Miyoshi got to be behind Stansfield in a free role for me ! Dembele is class. But he tries to go round 3/4 players and he is very capable !!! Don’t get me wrong the lad has the talent to do so !!

    BUT….Miyoshi will get the ball and thread a pass through 3/4 of their players in behind ! THE BALL MOVES FASTER THAN THE MAN ! that’s a fact of football
    Miyoshi will find Stansfield for fun !!!!

    Bielek need to see more from you, your an internationally proven, World Cup playing footballer ! At the minute mate I personally wouldn’t even start you in midfield. Because we are not getting 100% out of you far from it.
    And what’s most frustrating for me is I think you’re better at Centre Half. With your composure and vision on the ball you could quite easily dictate any game of football from the back 3. And you’re the only one that I believe can progress us from playing out from the back !

    with Sanderson and Robert’s doing what they do best alongside you

    My team ( If all Fit ) for what it’s worth would look like this…





    Now I’ll not be gaslighted by this ridiculous notion that Rooney has suddenly found the secret formula and it’s all on him ! Fact is he recklessly come in, shook the foundations of the squad to the core, picked ridiculous teams with shocking tactics, Substitutions ! And it’s all Gary Cook’s fault ! Now maybe Rooney done that on purpose to see what the players are made of ! See who cares, who tries, Who has the potential to get us out this league ! Poke em, Annoy Em’ so they know what they need in January ?? He might of done !

    But as an outsider looking in it was reckless ! Who rips the squad apart publicly when we can’t change it for 3 month ???? It’s either reckless, Stupid, Egotistical or Naive and I’m hoping it’s the latter

    However ! The fact Rooney has finally realised he needed to go back to a More Eustace style line up for now is good ! And were that close to January he may aswell stay for the season, if we show progress after January then give him next season

    But if we don’t he has to go ! January – End of the Season must be the barometer of which his managerial tenure at Birmingham City is judged upon !

    And all those special fans out there that love telling people how wrong they are, how we are not proper fans, And We MUST believe in the Project, if you question anything your an idiot. Rooney is the saviour, Blah blah,

    Lick my ⚽️🏀⚾️🥎🎾🏐‘s

    Love Mr Wagner, Knighthead and Mr Brady, I mean he is a Wold Class Sportsman, Best at his sport there has ever been ! I don’t have the knowledge of enough superlatives to praise the man ! Sports science, nutrition, Fitness – the bloke is a genius. Thank you so much for buying this club, you have an absolute gold mine / diamond on your hands ! Ofcourse we believe in you and your vision ! Your business acumen, record is clear to see you are very intelligent, astute people

    And you care about the club and community ! There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I wish you all the Happiness, Health and Wealth in the World 🫵🏻

    Keep Right On xx

  4. The last 10 minutes we had Leicester Players celebrating goal kicks, Freekicks like Goals

    you rattled them 100% keep rattling teams and you fly up that table like a rocket ship 🚀

  5. An improved performance but we were flattered by the score line. Had Leicester scored Six, which they should have done, would we all be thinking as positively. Rooney’s kamikaze tactics were only going to end in a win for Leicester.

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