Blues V Reading reaction
Fans reaction on the Tilton Talk Show group.
Lovely to see everyone come together to remember the #Babbsmillboys..
Glad to see 3pts in the bag.. Shame we let in two goals..
Roll on next game kro
Why change tackticks second half we were coasting that then we make them look useful
Thankfully we held on. Not really good enough that 2nd half.
Why do we put ourselves through it go defensive and just win 3.0 3.1 3.2. But happy with points KRO
For some reason I am disappointed it was 3-2. I know we won but am feeling really fed up with it.
A great win. I couldn’t believe being 3 nil up for 70 odd mins, something us as fans are not used to. I said to my wife, it’s not like Blues to let us relax like this and surprise surprise they pulled two back makimg it a nervous minute or two towards the end, but we’ll take it for sure
I couldn’t watch the live feed to South Africa last night due to loadshedding (power rationing due to insufficient supply from the national grid). However I managed to keep abreast of the game using text commentary from Blues website and great feedback from fellow Blues fans on Facebook (thanks Lily Pad). I recorded the match on my TV Decoder and a few points stood out.
MOTM was Troy Deeney followed closely by John Ruddy who preserved Blues lead with critical saves early on. A good team effort against a useful Reading side who never gave up. Games are often decided by fine balances an Blues couid easily have been 4-0 up before Reading got their first goal in the second half. Overall a great result Biues! KRO.
1st half , Vibrant Secure Unworried / 2nd half , nearly fell asleep…………..Still happy we won. KRO
Think we would all have taken a 3 – 2 win before the game, but typical Blues to make it a nervous last few mins. Have to agree John Ruddy to thank for enabling us to get a 3 – 0 lead, so good 3pts pverall.