We asked Blues fans to react to to days defeat against the Terriers

Always seem to lose against struggling teams. Warnocks first game in charge boosted Huddersfield. Our players can play when they want to, but decided not to bother today again.
The frustrations of being a blue nose.

Frustrating relegation battle here we come again

Another defeat from a team that not won in 8. Teams gotta love playing the blues.

Tripe again from us. Once a team comes at them, they fold. Bored with these no-heart players who don’t care that they can’t maintain a professional standard for more than two games in a row. A strike force on zimmer frames is not a good look and means we can never score enough to give us breathing space. This lot ruin every season.

We needed to get that young striker and yet again we couldn’t get one in hope Krystian and Troy are okay .

Hogan must be dropped, he thinks he can just stroll around the pitch doing nothing 🙄

Defence a sham needs sorting sick of this week in week out letting in easy goals .
Time the board left so we can buy decent players .

To many average players, passing, finishing, Deeney, Hogan offer nothing gaffer will say again, many positives and a honest bunch of lads.


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16 Replies to “Huddersfield v Blues Fans Reaction”

  1. Pathetic from Team and Manager once again,same old excuses from Eustace.If he played the right system he may stand a chance,he is obsessed with 5-3-2,why ??? play 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 for heaven’s sake man before it’s too late.Eustace keeps saying his is bringing on our young talent but in fact he is destroying it slowly.James had his breakthrough season last year now he is a bench warmer,knocking all the confidence out of him,Hall our crown jewel gets the odd ten minutes,Alfie Chang who had two great games not long ago can’t even get on the bench now.Eustace keeps persisting with Bielik who is slow but to be fair to him he is over run nine times out of ten with the system he finds himself in.He should be in a 2 in front of the back 4 with 3 in midfield and one of Dads Army as the lone striker.We could have a chance then but if Eustace persists in playing a back 3 where in trouble.

  2. We play with 10 men every week that Longelo plays.
    Surely he is the worst left back in the championship.
    What does Eustace see in him.
    Really poor again.

  3. Ask yourself this question how many of these players could play in the premier league next week probably John ruddy …the rest would struggle in league 1 ..we need a manager to sort this mess out…Deeney has too much to say …get somebody like Roy Keane…Tim sherwood or Ian Holloway they would sort it out … seems to me they aren’t up for a battle

  4. Even Ruddy has slipped from his high standards lately after performing brilliantly in the early part of the season.Loan players don’t give a damn really,they have nothing to loose and the old stagers Colin,Dean,Roberts,FriendJukiewitz,Gardner and Deeney are showing the scars of too many relegation battles.It will be a hard grind until the end of the season.

  5. I’m absolutely fed up of hearing the same drivel from John Eustace, his attempt to put a positive spin on poor performances is well past it’s sell by date. He keeps banging in about “an honest bunch of lads” it’s about time he told them some home truths. His tactics are naive, the art of man management is to get the best out of the personnel at your disposal, can he honestly say this is the case? Sort the tactics out JE before it’s too late

  6. They just ain’t good enough…mejbri will never get in Man Utd side … trusty won’t get into arsenal squad Sanderson the same at wolves and the worry is they are probably our best…Deeney needs to keep his gob shut and hogan plays when he feels interested… everybody blames redknapp and yes he did buy most of them but they have had contract renewals since and now we’re moaning about player’s who are earning to much after gardeners recommendations allegedly..exactly what does he do..no transfer in and the forward we were interested in goes on bloody loan to Peterborough makes you laugh

  7. Thanks Watto, I do appreciate your views & rants as a Bluenose from 3,500 miles away (Newtown, CT). I watch every match. How many new generations of supporters have we lost with all this ongoing crap? I’m just thankful that (like you) I was there throughout the 70’s, standing on the Kop watching real men play. I’ll be tuning in on Mon.

  8. another dismal performance by the whole team .
    can longello actually defend ?
    The Birmingham fail gave Bacuna 8 which totally baffled me and apart from the ball hitting deeneys shins he did one decent pass the whole game and never won an header.How many times did hogan touch the ball due to our lack of creativity and his lack of effort . The most worrying thing about the last two games is the opposition deserved to win both of them .

  9. time to accept we are a lg 1club and not a good one at that time to face the outcome it is what it is Face it WE ARE GONE. Follower for 60 yrs

  10. Hogan is poor,he needs to come deep like Harry Kane does. it opens up play but he just sits on the shoulders of the last man hoping for a world class pass to find to him.

  11. Eustace is to soft. No passion.
    Same old crap every week.
    The lads are giving it all.
    Nooooo they ain’t.
    We played great against the Albion then the lower clubs we are really bad.
    I feel sorry for the loyal home and away fans most of all for paying the money to watch league 2 standard.
    Longelos jaw must have dropped when we bought him in January transfer window.
    What a load of crap he is. Can’t read a game, can’t defend, out of position against so many teams who just punish us.
    50 points we will need to stay up and don’t see where those points will come from.

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