Tag: #storiesfromafar

  • Derby County 1967

    This is a significant memory for me involving my father, as it was to be his last game watching the Blues away from St. Andrews Since I'd been six years old we had been to many away games and home games, along with my Uncle, Dads brother.

  • Leonard’s stories from Oz

    It would be hard to imagine the happenings of that day as it unfolded. The coach journey down to London was uneventful. we did though have lots of bottled beers and singing, until we reached a couple of miles from Highbury. At this point the driver informed us this coach had issues and that another firm would be taking us home.

  • Leonard reflects …

    So we asked for your stories of your time as a Blues Fan. Leonard Edgington has sent us the following. I helps to show that BCFC has always been a family club.

  • Leonard’s story from afar

    Leonard Edgington is a BCFC and TTS fan from oz. We recently asked Leonard for his stories.

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