Some reactions below…

Too open,can’t go gung ho & not defend.will lose more than we win.

Same old predictable rubbish can’t score then let in loads of poor goals they are not good enough.

Conceding too many goals..can’t play out from the back..98% of goals conceded under Rooney tenure have come from blue’s trying to play out from the back..,can’t play that way..we are incompetent and cannot adhere to the you score 3 we’ll score 4 mentality..if that’s how blues owners want us to be then fgs get rid of WR and get keegan in

We just haven’t the players which has been the case for the last decade. Come January I expect a lot of players out. Another disappointment Kro

Too open but looked better going forward , JJ had a great game looked much better tonight, too many shots off target tho must test the keepers more!! And Sanderson looks completely lost , as does aiwu

Sounds like we played some good football in phases but the stats seem to tell the story though; so few shots on target 6/26, leaking goals, oppostion having 61% possession.16 conceded in 7 games. It’s very alarming. It’s kamikaze. The 🙄

There might be many good things happening off the field, but precious little on it.Needs Kevin Long to be fit pretty quickly. He and Sanderson formed a good solid back line last season. Also need a new goalie desperately. John Ruddy has really gone off. So how many away points have we got this season? Dreadful.

Decision making in the final third was unbelievably bad. Yes 27 “shots” but most from full backs from 30 yards! Approach play ok, then no clue or composure. 2 nice finishes from Dembele papered over the cracks. Finished the game with 10 men when Rooney put Hogan on.


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23 Replies to “Blackburn v Blues Fans react to the defeat.”

  1. Absolute garbage. Terrible first half against Wednesday, and continued tonight in the first fifteen minutes. I’ve seen enough. Rooney has to go now, l’m so bored watching these tactics. I feel what the club are effectively saying is this will continue until next summer and we rebuild. If l’d have know this in the summer there’s no way would l have renewed our season tickets. Will not be making our 200 mile round trip for the foreseeable future.

  2. The defending was crap , put ourselves under pressure then Ruddy effectively sealed the game . This group of players with the exception of a couple are not up to scratch , this love affair with Juke and Hogan that some fans have is misguided . It’s going to be a long wait till the summer !

  3. Over 30 shots on goal, 10 corners, free kicks outside their box and we could’nt benefit from any of it. I have taken our 2 goals out of this equation because they were strokes of genius and were wasted in this game. Our finishing and defending was woeful. Wait until next season to start playing out from the back. To be fair, going forward we were exciting and entertaining at times. Once settled James was really good, but the rest of the team seemed to be out of sorts. Bielik, Bacuna and Sanderson were very lethargic, Jutkiewicz and Stansfield were struggling with nothing going right. Aiwu was both brilliant and diabolical and Ruddy was caught out too many times. Going forward, both Drameh and Buchanan were good but defensively awful. Dembele was brilliant for a total of 5 mins.
    Too many mistakes and too many missed opportunities. We made Blackburn look like a good team.

  4. There is a old saying,do not concede and you will not loose,under Euseless we were solid at the back now we are conceding all the time.Sanderson and Long had a solid partnership but Ruiney chose to break it up,foolhardy to say the least.l am afraid this as echoes of the Zola era where the wheels came of spectacular and we started to loose nearly every game.Hope Tom has written up a ten year plan cause he’s going to need it.

  5. When predictable away defeats come true and yes the key word here is predictable, you know your in trouble. Defensive players do not become bad overnight but Sanderson and co. ( not forgetting the hapless Ruddy) are mere shadows of what they really are. Ten games are nearly up for Rooney and so far 4points from 8 games needs to be dramatically scrutinised.

  6. The facts speak for themselves 4 points from 7 games
    If and it’s a big if that’s still 7 points from 8 games
    Can’t see any return against Coventry, Leicester or Plymouth
    Need to bit the bullet now. It’s a shame but it just isn’t working
    Give someone else a go NOW ahead of the window

  7. Let’s have another open house to discuss why we destabilised the whole club at the wrong time with the wrong person just as we was seeing progress and feeling good for the first time in years, getting results on the pitch too, the club got 100 ‘ Special ‘ influential supporters now who I’m sure get their perks to push the gaslighting and tell us we’re wrong. Relegation zone by January. Cook employed his long term pal ! The decision was in no way for their benefit of the club. FACT. The owners are outstanding but they been mugged off by Cook.

  8. 89 – a lifelong Blues supporter. Would like to depart this life happy but I am going to miss out. It was always KRO now it’s GRO Gone right off – thank you Mr Rooney for spoiling it for us all.

  9. Sheff W Rock Bottom and we was average at best against them ! I said next 4 games after Sheff W would go LDLL

    Got the first L in at Blackburn hope I’m wrong with the next 3 games predicted, I really hope I’m wrong

    I find it amusing that Mr Wagner said Thank you to John Eustace adding if we was in League 1 they wouldn’t of brought us, yet we’re looking like relegation fodder every week since Rooney come in and the club be worth half of what they paid if it happens

    The inconsistency in statements made by many at the club are astounding

  10. Haven’t got that much hope for the January window to be honest as we have to be careful of FFP.Ruiney probably knows who he wants to get rid of but the high earners like Hogan,Juke,Sunjic,Gardner,Roberts and Etheridge will just sit tight and see their contracts out.l am afraid we do not have that many saleable assets to be honest.

  11. we were superb at times last night, don’t care for the arm chair keyboard warriors. These owners have been in the door for 5 minutes and if any if you moaners do not see the bigger picture then stay away. results not great but don’t blame the manager when the aiwu don’t track twice, ruddy lets in a howler and if we scored our opportunities it’s a different story. get behind the whole club, we will improve. Emery lost to stevenage, klopp didn’t win any silver ware for 4 years, the list goes on but in time it gets better.

  12. The average Bluenose ain’t going to be seduced by a few stadium upgrades, which is all very nice. However if the team’s performances are way below par, there only likely to be enjoyed by a half filled stadium.
    Mr Cook appears to have no idea the resentment most fans have regarding Rooney’s appointment, he talks of world class appointments, really? N a very short space of time Rooney and his team have turned a team we were enjoying watching in the most part, into players lacking confidence and tactical awareness. Case in point we had a vastly experienced goalkeeper who bossed his box and organised the defence. He looks a shadow of the player he was.
    So make the call Mr Cook, put your hands up, that’s the way to earn our respect, you got it wrong big style.

  13. I have never understood this obsession with playing out from the back, we are not Barcelona, and if you watch the League highlights you will see at least half a dozen goals given away by teams trying this every week.
    We had an efficient defence, it conceded very few goals, then Rooney decided that he’d prefer to lose gallantly than win safely. How will Wagner’s investment partners make any sort of profit if we continue to hover around the relegation area yet again? Admit it Mr Cook you screwed up, unscrew it.

  14. if Mr Cock makes a shambolic decision by getting rid of our manager when things were lookin good i hate to think what hes gonna do when the transfer open and thats if we still in the champion ship cause the way its going i will be surprice if were still be

  15. I think a lot of people are being somewhat short-sighted and overly pessimistic. I agree that Rooney changed things too quickly. That was a mistake. He isn’t perfect. And maybe Mr Wagner could have waited till the new year, but he didn’t. But what Rooney is is a very well thought of young manager with a global following and enormous potential near the start of his journey. He is therefore matched well to a club who have been in the sh1t, need a lot of work, but which has huge potential and are also at the start of a journey.
    I also disagree that the players aren’t good enough. Ruddy is an exceptional keeper. One bad game is one bad game. Laird, the Captain and Buchanan would be close to starting in any Championship team. James looks good with huge potential. Bielik does appear to be struggling in the new system, but his pedigree is unquestionable. Bacuna is a huge talent, we just need to find his best role. Dembele and Myoshi are pure game winners. In traditional blues teams such players would be classed as luxuries and even liabilities, but we as fans need to get over that and move on from the pure “f@ck ‘em up and get in to ‘em” mentality.
    Juke is, IMO, the best centre forward we’ve had in 30 years. Yes he’s past his best (aren’t we all) but he deserves enormous respect, still has a lot to offer for 45-60 min, and needs to be kept at the club in some capacity at all costs. Stansfield, again IMO, is the best finisher we’ve had since the likes of Phillips and Fors. Yes he’s only on loan, but get the ball to him in the right spot and he’ll convert.
    Yes we have a few that have probably come to the end of their tenure, but we also have decent strength in depth and some very exciting youngsters on the horizon too.
    In 5 years time this club will be unrecognisable – not least with a brand spanking new stadium either already open or well on its way. Mr Wagner and Mr Cook know more about successful sports ventures than most people on this planet. They deserve our trust and patience. And, yes, that includes not overreacting to a few months of turmoil and tears on the pitch. Think long term. Think big. Think Blues 💙

  16. People defending Cook is embarrassing!

    And don’t give me what he done at Man City a trained Monkey could of made that club a success with the amount of money the Arabs were throwing at it

    The bloke hired his mate, not to benefit the club in any capacity ! The players have been mugged off just as much as the fans. And these business types will push ‘ The future ‘ to gaslight you away from the fact they incompetent. I’ve heard it all before, not interested in new stadiums we can’t fill the one we got now and that’s because the nonsense the fans have been through for years and the football since ‘ Winning Mentality ‘ Rooney come in is shocking, wasn’t that bad start of the season, Norwich the only game where we was poor, other than that solid, picking up points even with shocking officials and decisions against us

    All you folk with the rose tinted future glasses enjoy the relegation, league 1 harder than the Championship to get out of. The standard of football in the lower leagues is very good !! Pssst look at Ipswich

  17. oh what on earth must the share holders in America think they have bought into .,we have gone from a club with a manager who is young and trying to push us forward to a so called big named guy who js pushing backwards ,I am sorry but Rooney should be spelt Ruin he he .we will go down with him,so many great footballers have tried to be managers but not many succeed ,s

  18. A message to all of our ‘knee jerk’ bluenoses! Our new owners are the best thing that has ever happened to this club. They are winners, and we are very, very lucky that they are here. Would you like them to reinstate Eustace, and walk away?
    Rooney is evaluating the players, with a view to bringing in much better ones.
    This season is a ‘write off’ as regards ‘play offs’ as it would have been with Eustace!
    It will be much better when the Board can buy quality players, and improve the squad, with or without Rooney!
    Get behind the team, great times are ahead! KRO

  19. Nope not Eustace although he should have had the season before Cook employed his mate, Potter was the man to go after NOT Rooney and everybody knows it ! Enjoy league 1 because that’s where we’re going ! FFP and January ?? Who do people think they are bringing in who can make this utter mess a success ? who can we sell that will allow for MICH BETTER PLAYERS to come in ?? lmfao Delusional people all over the place. But the club is looking after a few special fans now with large online followings so they can gaslight everybody else that it’s all ok. Just wait and see, we have so many plans Farce ! Complete Farce ! Let me know when you wake up and see reality 👍🏻 I am so happy to be proven wrong ! Please time prove me wrong ! Or somebody else prove me wrong. Rooney had to get out of USA for his family, And Cook who has known him since he was 13 who also tried to get him at Man City and in Saudi Arabia employed him at blues as a favour END OF ! Not a footballing decision in any capacity The man has no record at managerial level to speak of ! It’s ludicrous and we will be stuck with him for three years 🫵🏻

    And if Mr Wagner or Mr Brady had a role to play in this I hope you learnt your lesson, I would not go to the states and pretend I know about American football, Baseball or any other sport ! I certainly know nothing about business and investments ! But football I do know, and I know exactly what’s gone on ! And it’s a disgrace ! It’s obvious the players are not interested, and I don’t blame them at all

    1. Can’t argue with a word of what you except that Eustace, having done his apprenticeship, working under experienced coaches was learning and improving and I believe would’ve been a huge success next season. The Rooney decision was and is outrageous and it seems the rest of the football world are unanimous in that.

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