Blues fans with thoughts and comments on last nights defeat at home to Cardiff..will Blues go down..or beat the drop?

Poor ,Poor and really poor. Stansfield needs help up front.

If I was Wagner I would come to my senses and buy a decent club not this Circus, ps if he still wants this mess forget the new stadium we wont be getting 12.000 In league one

Grim but that sums it all up with our team unfortunately. Maybe a good sorry out in pre season is what has been needed for the past few seasons.To stay up we need at least 3 wins and results to go for us elsewhere. The way we play and have played, I cannot see that cutting edge. I wish I could.

Didn’t expect anything out of the match, but still disappointing.

I can’t write on here what I think. But if that is a cup final. Then I have no words anymore. Gutless. Spineless. Literally so angry and upset watching that.

Why were u constantly playing side to side at the back like we were winning comfortably and not in a relegation battle??! How about some urgency lads??Aiwu is AWFUL…either put Bucannan there and stick Drameh at RB and Laird at LB or put Bielk there and bring in Gary G in the middle

Listened to the show Monday and nearly everybody saying we will get 10 points 11 points etc, absolute dreamers, we will be lucky to get another point with this bunch of spineless, useless work shy group of players. What team are you watching? 1 up front when we are desperate for a win, absolutely furious, rampant apathy. Couldn’t give a shit about a diamond crusted new stadium if I have to watch this level of rampant apathy every week. Just waiting for the the “next game us must win comments” please spare me the pain. Aaaaaaarghhhhhh

It must be debatable if Rotherham are the worst team in the league after that shocking display. No hope, no belief, nothing positive and every player was poor. We lack height, pace and energy. Only divine intervention can save us now

They don’t give a toss. The kids at school perform better. We’re down. Get the hangers ons out and start from fresh

Baccuna was awfully, we are where we are through bad decisions, I. e Rooney appointment, we we stay up ? I doubt it, I’m gutted

Kids crying the club is on a downward spiral and i cannot see a way out, I never get disheartened but this is bad the players need to stand up and be counted show some desire and for gods sake try. Give me ten minutes in the dressing room let me. Take my daughter they need to know how much it hurts

Here is an idea..PLAY A STRIKER…even a bad 1 has to be better than not playing 1 at all …but too late now !!!!

Captain Sanderson strolling with the ball ⚽ like it was a Sunday leisurely walk sums up the whole performance! Shocking

We’re done lads. Not enough chances created (again), no clean sheet, no physicality, no threat from set-pieces, no striking options. Desperate showing that…

I think the recruitment needs to look at themselves , kept buying midfielders , when we needed striker or two , no urgency from our players , kept passing sideways , when we should be going forwards , like we’ve got all the time in the world , overplaying in the last third , trying to walk it in , why do we not play ,with two up front , subs never do anything when they come on 

Not surprised with the result like I said Cardiff look organised and if blues don’t score first then we going to lose. Again like I said it’s not about performances at this time of the season it’s about courage blood and thunder and grinding out of a result . Yet again not getting a striker and more importantly cover for long is a joke the transfer committee need to answer these questions why no replacements. Their only got themselves to blame . Also what did GR say to Anderson when he came on tonight he did not know where his position was . MOM the fans who watch that dross . #KRO

Terrible performance. Never looked like scoring. Dropping into the bottom 3 has put pressure on them: Take the armband off Sanderson and hand it to Pritchard. Need leadership on that pitch

I’ve said if before you could have haaland up front but if you can’t get the ball to him he will not score where’s all these dembele fans now I said at start of season he had one great game qpr done nothing since that’s why he will never make it in the prem

Cardiff had lost 3 in the last 4, were riddled with injuries and had nothing to play for and still beat us easily in 1st gear. This was a must win but we lack in every department and have forgotten where the goal is. Need some fresh legs for the next games or we could lose every game on the run in on this performance

We’re a twenty minute performance. First twenty minutes some encouragement – mainly Koji, Bielik, Jay and Bacuna, that fades and then there’s only one way it’ll go. No movement from the off from throw-ins illustrates to me how lacking in courage most of the team are – afraid to have possession. So little quality too often. Feel sorry for Jay Stansfield, Koji and Buchanan who give their all. The trap door’s wide open now.

Rowett to defense minded .we need two up front,try bacuna , Stansfield can’t do any worse , stadium dream needs to be put in hold till we can get stability in championship, if we go down doesn’t mean straight back up , Charlton premiership club not long back so were Bolton, Portsmouth have taken 12 years to get back Derby on there. Let’s get football side sorted first it’s like we putting a ladder up to the stars put we need a decent team first

To be honest, even if we’d held it at 0-0, it’s not convincing stuff; it would likely only be staving off the inevitable. Poor Jay’s on his own and we can’t be trusted to keep goals out.

Just got in and can only describe the walk up digbeth as like walking with fellow zombies. Utter shock at the lack of guts, passion and spirit. I don’t think any of our players care enough. Its beyond a disgrace. We have seen relegations before, but this 2024 crop are the most feeble of the lot. Appalling.

Just got home. Useless. Garbage. Spineless. Disinterested. F@## the bulk of them off come the summer and rebuild in league 1. I’m still fuming after a 2 hour drive home.


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2 Replies to “Blues V Cardiff Fans Reaction”

  1. Why in earth does Rowett continue to pick the likes of Gardner,Sunjic,Anderson,Hogan in the squad when they won’t be here next season??? Pick Hall,Dixon and Donovan in the squad for heaven sake.Rowett is not a gambler that’s why he has never made the big time,you need to take a chance Mr Rowett so have the courage to do something.

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