Fans react to today’s excellent win at home to Coventry

This is what we needed, great to see a win at last, fans loud and proud.. Kro all 💙

We need them to do it for the next two games much better joint MOM Sunjic and Anderson were unreal .

This season is going to be the death of me!

We was brilliant today. Bielik in the back and Sunjic in midfield plus’s Robert’s up front with stansfield and Anderson mioshi all had great games.
Kro 💙👌

Fight, passion, commitment everything we did not see Wednesday we have seen today. Lady Luck was shining on us, now use this

Cannot single one player for MOM I will have a TOM – Team of match

The performance we’ve all been hoping for. A real Birmingham city performance. Let’s keep it going. KRO

Only one other performance like this somewhere would have meant non of this circus. Brilliant day all players 9 at least. How good was Roberts?

What a time to get a win. A lot of fighters on the pitch so it goes to Tom Wagner.

Fight passion everything. Tears joy. Got to play like this for next 3 games. Anderson and sunjic change meant we had something. Keep the same team for sat. Come on! BELIEVE! That was a Birmingham city performance!

Now we have got to believe! At last the passion and fight we were asking for!
The inclusion of Anderson and Sunjic made a huge difference together with a crowd in full voice. This was the catalyst required to bring about a complete team performance.KRO.

Amazing they were today, just pure amazing.
Though WHY they can’t play like this most of the season, but hey I’ll snatch that result today!💙💙💙💙💙🤔🤔🤣💞💙

Thought Paik controlled it cant remember him giving the ball away

What a difference from
Wednesday, flight passion and most of all belief that’s they can do this !! Proud of everyone single one of them today . KRO .

So so sweet, trekking back to Cov in my blues top😂😍 played like top 6 material, need to keep this momentum to survive and do great things next season. What a day.


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One Reply to “Blues v Coventry,  fans reaction”

  1. Great win and the old saying of you can only beat what is in front of you certainly applied because l don’t think Coventry really turned up for this match.While im over the moon l think we played Coventry at the right time.

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