Great win away at Cardiff, here’s what the fans had to say.

Tremendous team performance, decent passing, could have scored more. JJ MoM for me, gave us an option every time and controlled the ball.

Playing ‘Eustaceball’ works. I wonder if our clown of a manager phoned Eustace for advice. KRO #rooneyout

J.J M.O.T.M really good performance BUT we missed simple Chances. Happy blue nose tonight 😁

Much better tonight especially second half only let down not good enough in front of goal when they get chances.

What a result and a performance combined FairPlay to all of them and Rooney 👍💪💙⚽️KRO UTB

Whatever anyone thinks of Rooney, he got it spot on tonight, lets hope something has clicked at last!!!

I must confess, I didn’t see that coming. With Cardiff being just outside the playoffs before start of play and Blues not picking up an away point since August, I thought that there was only gonna be one outcome. However, well done to Wayne Rooney and the lads for bagging three valuable points on the road and it should give us some confidence going into Monday night’s game at home to Leicester.

That was brilliant from the lads our shape was so much better to an fantastic support from our fans that travelled there KRO

Really pleasing to break the away record who do of 8 losses on trot, an important win
And 3pts, a clean sheet, well done team , keep it up 👏 kro 👍

Actually saw evidence of what we are trying to do. Lots of intent, still limited ability but more effort. Beilek looks poor but Jordan James had a good game, probably MoM for me. Really eerie last 10 mins we were so nervous in the away end just waiting for the equaliser it was pretty quiet.

What’s your thoughts?


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6 Replies to “Cardiff v Blues, fans reaction.”

  1. lt is really ironic that Rooney reverted to the Sunjic/Bielik axis in a 4-2-3-1 system as implemented by Eustace and had Roberts in the back four,so much for playing out from the back so why change the Manager then ???? but a win is a win and l will go to the Leicester match with a little more hope.

  2. Fantastic result and “team” performance. If l’d have woken from a three month coma l’m not sure l’d have known we’d changed Manager. We pressed in good areas, JJ looks better every game, and it could quite easily have been 3/4 goals. Credit to Mr Rooney, let’s hope the penny has finally dropped for and with the players. Some faith and pride restored. The performance level has now been set, just need to improve hitting the net.

  3. Blackburn – L – ✅
    Rotherham – D – ✅
    Coventry – L – ✅
    Cardiff – L – ❌
    NEVER BEEN HAPPIER TO BE WRONG, WELL DONE LADS, LOOKED SOLID AND COMPETENT – ROONEY GOOD TEAM SELECTION AND TACTICS 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 THAT SAID YOU SHOULD OF BEEN PICKING THIS SIDE OR CLOSE TOO IT FROM DAY 1 – it wasn’t perfect but that will come in time, settled side, momentum, confidence. Yes there was gaps and cracks but there will be until your settled

    I’ll keep these predictions as is for now, Not to get carried away, PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG AGAIN

    Leicester – L – Pending ( Possible 6-0 / 7-0 Hammering )
    Plymouth – L – Pending
    Stoke – D – Pending

    The Talent we have in this squad is outstanding, just get them confident and the rest will look after itself

    Well done every single one of you tonight 👍🏻

    Brilliant !

    Captain Marvel Dion, A rolls Royce of a defender with the interception of a life time to set up the move for the goal, Robert’s looking immense alongside, Aiwu more effective on the right side, Sunjic is the annoying wasp buzzing about them breaking it up, forcing mistakes energy, energy, energy outstanding.

    Bacca, take a bow son 👍🏻 you are a class act mate.

    See lads it ain’t that hard, you have the talent to make something of this season still.

    Happy Blue nose tonight 👍🏻

    Siriki if you can learn when to release the ball in certain situations you got world class written all over you, give the ball and get into space to get it back BE THE ONLY OPTION you can play for anybody you like, they be lining up to sign you. I’ve seen a double meg and goal I ain’t ever seen a triple meg and goal but if anybody can do it YOU CAN SON !

    JJ – Makes a huge difference on the transition, what a baller you are. Another World Class product in the making, will go for a similar amount that Jude did in time.

    Jay – keep playing on the shoulder of the last defender mate, you scare them to death. And if any coach tells you to come out wide tell them to F**K off, goals will follow

    Buchanan – Like a human wall again, remind me of a kid called Nicholas Cotterill at school, I’d go round every person on the pitch including the teachers and he would always ALWAYS tackle me ! Every damn time 🫵🏻 the only one ! Most frustrating thing ever.

    ALL OF YOU – The Work rate off the ball tonight was OUTSTANDING !!!

    Leicester are flying, go and test yourselves personally ! Can you compete with them, enjoy it, it’s a free game and the result of that game shows your true level in this division.

    Prove people wrong time lads 💋 you won’t get a better opportunity to do so than against Leicester on Monday

  4. Well done to the team. The only downside was the misses from Jay Stansfield.
    He should have had a hat rick last night. Beilik for me is the weak link. His passing is not good enough. Rooney should have carried on with the Eustace way and tinkered along the way.

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