The light is burning brighter

So a further announcement by the HKSE has today been issued confirming that the EFL have ratified the 45% stake to be gained by Shelby Companies Limited. This announcement rings us yet another step closer to ending the reign of our Chinese owners and the dawn of a new beginning for BCFC.

The announcement also confirms that the club will need to work within a budget to ensure that we remain with Financial Fair Play targets.

The announcement can be seen in full via the following link –

The club are now awaiting final agreement from the HKSE which will hopefully occur with the next few weeks. Upon completion the consortium which is headed up by Tom Wagner will have substantial control over the running of the club with a view to completing a full ownership change with 2 years

The change in ownership will bring to an end over 12 years of Chinese ownership and will see board changes that will bring experience to the club.

Any further updates will be cascaded as we get them

KRO and here’s to an exciting summer

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5 Replies to “The light is burning brighter”

  1. Ijaz

    If BSHL still own 55% then it does not bring an end to 12 years of Chinese rule. Hopefully this means the end of BSHLs involvement with the club is nigh. Delighted with the news and good times are on the horizon. However this summer is gonna be one of turmoil with FFP hampering what we can do in the transfer window. We could do with Jude moving on so we can actually have some money to spend. Alas more loans and freebies next season but as Luton proved you don’t need to spend a fortune or have players on big money to do well. KRO + SOTV

    • Stiobhan

      Once the deal is signed off by HKSE, it is officially ratified, and the 55% held by the Chinese organisation is then mitigated to the point of being notional, it has no voting rights and no power. Ijaz is right that the main issue for us is substantially increasing turnover to enable us to quickly throw off the straitjacket on player purchase imposed by the EFL. Our new owners are shrewd, Birmingham presents them with a massive financial opportunity, they are not as some have suggested ‘asset strippers’ or naive benefactors, they are investors who see great potential, I have no doubt that they will ultimately sell us, but let us hope that this is when we are a much bigger club than we are currently.

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