The new manager is in place, players are returning and spooner has the lads firing

Tilton Talk Show

Hi Bluenoses, everywhere.

Well, we will forgive Mr Cook for sacking a manager without a replacement lined up ready to take up the position. He could have asked the cleaning lady to temporally replace Rooney and there might still have been an improvement. The experienced and likeable Steve Spooner took over the role at Hull and Blues gave a more acceptable performance. He reverted to a back four that was last seen in John Eustace’s last game. People in their proper positions was a very good place to start. Kevin Long banished by Rooney after a first day bust up was included and made our defense look as solid as it had been when Eustace had included him. Reports of other training bust ups had seemed to be forgotten as the back five once more looked to be singing from the same song sheet.

The two coaches Ashley Cole and John O’Shea were more active on the touch line in that one game than any other under Rooney’s tenure. This points to the fact that they were not part of Rooney’s recruitment and only Pete Shuttleworth who was sacked with Rooney offered any support to Wayne. It is hard to believe that 2 men of their stature could be so ineffective. I think that Mr. Cooke put them there to protect and advise Rooney. Rooney left the day-to-day stuff to them and only conversed on match days with Shuttleworth and sometimes not even that.

Three months ago, Cooke was sat before the world’s press telling them that Wayne Rooney had all the credentials to making Birmingham City a force to be reckoned with. He must have been living on another planet if the thought that Wayne Rooney had any idea how to manage anything. Both clubs he had managed to get into the bottom 4 of their particular leagues. If anyone was surprised that Rooney’s “expertise” sent Birmingham City nose diving into a similar position, then I can only assume they are related to him in some way or they are owed money by him.

So, the “Wizard of OZ” has been defrocked and exposed as the fraud that he is and thankfully a replacement has been found. Tony Mowbray’s appointment is a sound, if not exciting change, I have studied his career and listened to those who know him well and his record reads quite well. (Tommy Mooney TILTON TALK SHOW Monday 8th Jan). Every club he has been to has vastly improved under his management, (Except Celtic Yippee). 

Since Sunderland came up, they have beaten us 3 out of 3. All under Mowbray. He got them to the playoffs last year and although had the best team in that end of season lottery could not quite put off that final leap. Had he done I suspect he would not be our manager today. I am sure that Toney will keep us in this division. Its not 100% sure because Rooney left us in such a parlous state that we will need an average of 1.5 points a game to ensure our safety. That is Championship form and even John Eustace only got 18 points from 11 games. (1.3)

We all know the side needs strengthening. Those who listened to the inimitable TILTON TALK SHOW on Monday would have heard the whole panel come out and give numerous explanations on where the holes needed filling. Tommy Mooney said in no uncertain terms that Tony Mowbray will identify those situations and make appropriate changes.

I believe that Tony will do that for us and only the uncertainty of our own limitations on spending will hinder him.

Good luck Tony and God bless all you Bluenoses!

Anyway, look out for ‘Watton’s Weekly’ on You TubeTwitter and Facebook


Monday 15th Jan 6:30

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