I will travel 400 miles and I will travel 400 more

Hi Bluenoses. On a scale of 1 to 10 how good are you feeling? Personally, I am a begrudging 2. I am sure my regular readers know that I have been watching Blues close to 64 years and now make a 400 mile round trip to every home game. I can hear your yawns going already. However in those 8 decades we have actually had relatively few owners. 

In 1959 when I first began the club were run by the Morris family. A local building firm who post war rebuilt the ground which was in 1946, little more than a bomb site. After 4 major finals in 7 years the change from maximum wage saw Blues lose good players and sign mediocre. Inevitably second division football arrived and soon the Club found themselves in a position similar to now. 

In 1966 with gates falling alarmingly and Division 3 looming the Club was bought by Clifford Coombs who represented some real money. The great Stan Cullis became manager and revival was immediate. Top half finish with gates over 20,000 were signs of things to come. Cup semi-finals, promotion, Trevor Francis. happy days. Sadly Clifford Coombs passed away. His son Keith took over and frankly was not interested. The club went into liquidation and was sold firstly to Ken Wheldon and then the Kumar Brothers. I promise  you that our situation then was 10 times worse than it is now. The difference was anyone could contact Wheldon or Kumar and tell them why you thought they could go forth and do one. Thankfully they did.

Not only were the team awful so were the fans who terrorized third division grounds and at St Andrews ran amok among 6-7000  

lonely souls. It all changed when Sullivan and Gold arrived and the cycle began again. Here we are at the nadir of that 20+ year cycle, but no-one is coming to save us. No-one is available to listen to our protests. 

Do I know what to do ? Not really. I do know what not to do. Firstly supporters groups should not be bickering among themselves. Idiots running on the pitch definitely is not the answer nor is people defending them. Hurting disabled people or children in the crowd should have resulted in short effective retribution. When we get our club back they are not going to be part of it. 

So here’s a few questions we should be getting answers to. Why with 4 players well over 6ft in our defence do we fail to mark a guy on the near post and he scores with a free header? No matter who owns us, who or how many people are watching us that is just not acceptable. 

Anyway look out for ‘Watto’s Weekly Live’ on You Tube and Facebook. 

God Bless you all


Is Back 6.30 Monday 30th January

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One Reply to “I will travel 400 miles and I will travel 400 more”

  1. Peter Bates

    unfortunately in today’s society abusing people and disrespect is the norm, it’s not surprising it thrives at football grounds across the UK . Going back to previous owners Mr wheldon would have loved it he never did like putting the lights or the hot water on.

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