Tilton Talk Show

Hi Bluenoses, everywhere.

Well well what do you know. After nearly three years of writing this column mostly about failure and various pieces of ill luck I finally have been told by a reader that our current position is MY fault. According to one of my readers who shall remain name less my writing replies to people to disagree with them,is because I hate them and the club. In fact, he suggested that everyone who voiced an opinion was vehemently disliked. Just to let everyone know if they didn’t know already that the whole idea of internet communication of this sort was to inspire debate. When someone sends me a message agreeing with me, I send them a like. When they disagree its usually because they don’t understand what my point was. I take time out of my busy day to inform them of their error before watching endless games from the past or sleeping.

All us communicators have the same problem in that we all know what has gone on in the last nine months. What we don’t understand is why. If you think that Eustace was useless and Wayne Rooney wasn’t given long enough and all the players we have are useless well you are entitled to those opinions. What none of us can do is come up with answer to where do we go from here. The same people are telling me the new owners are the saviors of the club. Well, if the first opinions are true then the last cannot be, The new owners are futures brokers who invest other people’s money and take a proportion of the profit. Even a bookmaker wouldn’t expect to take back a proportion of your winnings, Their expertise is in the money markets in a slightly dubious way,not in championship football. 

The truth is I don’t care what anyone thinks of me because they don’t care about what I think. If they did, we would be qualifying for the champions League Semi finals this week. OK still kidding. If an old man like me who travels 400 miles on a Saturday to watch a team that I love and take up to 18 hours doing so, can’t voice his concerns, then who can?

Here goes, This is a very serious situation. We are more likely to go down than not. Fans bitching at each other is not helping, Fans finding excuses not to go is not helping. A packed St Andrews tomorrow would ensure three points cannot be guaranteed,but it could help. 

During my 65 years of following this club the extremes of their fortunes is astronomical. I can say without fear of contradiction that this is nowhere near the worst position we have ever been in. It is also certain that the consequences of failure now will be worse than ever before, Equally the consequences of successfully staying in the division will bring success never imagined. Please don’t stop criticizing me or the club. It shows you care, Clubs who have big followings who care can be certain to remain and eventually rise.

See Ya Monday​ 

God Bless the Bluenoses 

Anyway, look out for ‘Watto’s Weekly’ on You TubeTwitter and Facebook


MONDAY MAR 18th 2024

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6 Replies to “It’s the chairman’s fault. Honestly”

  1. I like you have had the truley bad sorrows and some amazing joys at my beloved home St Andrews my first game was in the 60s this club the team the fans are my family never heard fans booing our shirt until we got into prem a series of bad owners no investment followed but het you bluenoses we are not prem team YET but it will come if we keep the faith if we stay uo which l really hope and prey we do l believe good things will happen if we go down ok it will take longer but still happen this is football not mc Donalds and slaging each other and the new owners and grr the shirt ie players is not what a blue true blue does at 64 its been along time since l have seen owners that seem to care if it be for financial gain who cares as long ad they run the club in a proper manner we all have opionions and all should be respected watching blues lose at home in a mid week game 0 to 7 and the ground didnt empty but blues clapped the liverpool players AND THE BLUES man of matvh our keeper it could have been much worse so think on when you see blues fans booing our shirt we are fans not the fuffing prawn brigade vile scum KRO or just dont go

  2. I can understand everyone’s frustration but fans of nearly every club in the land apart from the usual suspects will always be frustrated with their clubs.Only a few clubs nowadays will get their hands on silverware,years ago the League Cup and to some degree the FACup were trophies the big boys were not interested in but not now so it’s becoming harder and harder to be successful.What would warrant a successful Blues team then ???? I guess a place in the Premiership but unfortunately they have come into a broken club with too many ideas of grandeur too soon which is all well and good but it needed a much more sensible approach.l can understand it as they want to get a return on their investment but they went too quickly.l like Mowbray but l think he has bought the wrong sort of players in,far too lightweight they are in my opinion for the Championship but hopefully things will change.

  3. Whatto keep the faith as if you need reminding. We should all be praying that we stay in this division. If we do the future will be bright. The players better win today ,they better put in a shift like never before. I still think we need an interim manager to take over. Can’t see Mowbary getting upset if the board brought help in. Why should he worry. Venus will take us down if we don’t get help.

  4. Can I just point out that if faith was all that mattered we wouldn’t have had a Reformation, Luther would have stayed a loyal Catholic and we would not have the World we have today. Fan loyalty i pretty much irrelevant, I remember being at a play off at St Andrews where the atmosphere was as hot as I have ever experienced, yet Watford got the result they needed and went through. All that chanting and passion did nothing. Fan engagement is vastly over rated as an influence on matches.
    The only thing that matters is team on the field, and it is majority of them that have been a problem for many months. Venus may not be a “manager” but it is the spinless bunch on the pitch that seem to be happily taking us down.

  5. You are entitled to your opinion same as the next Bluenose so comments are welcomed and its important to have a voice. I do look at the positives and despite our position in the league we are in a far better position than we were 1 season or even 2 seasons ago. Financially thanks to the owners we are ok and whatever happens at the end of the season then we will bounce back stronger. Is relegation really the end of the world as teams who have been down there have bounced stronger and much better as a club. Using the examples of Ipswich,Coventry and even Man City. I am not suggest we will do a Man City but when you see how well these clubs are doing then it gives you hope. We will rise again no matter what happens and from what I hear on other forums this is a ten year plan by the current owners.
    It would be nice to hear from the owners at some point to reassure fans and what happens next if the unimaginable was to happen.
    Going back to the likes of Ipswich and Coventry I think most people would agree that potentially Blues are a bigger club and if they can do it then why can’t we. The owners are committed and seem intent on only doing the best for us. This seems exactly the same as Barry Fry situation when we last got relegated the third tier and that following season we bounced back. The owners back then were David Sullivan and Co.

  6. Nothing wrong apart from the fact that we employ strikers that have no idea where the net is ,defenders that gift opponents goals for no reason , we are on our fifth manager of the season is it any wonder ? Only BCFC

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