Fans verdict on today’s loss up at the Stadium of Light

Same old story blues go 1 up to lose yet again… Nothing new there, than to be frustrated because we just switch off..

Roll on next game and safe journey home to all bluenoses that went 💙

To potential new owners. PLEASE GET US A GOAL SCORER.

Got the score right unfortunately. Desperately need at least one prolific scorer for next season to help put games to bed. We struggle to hold a lead.

Frustrating afternoon for Blues after seemingly in control of first period before conceding a lte equaliser on the stroke of half time. Turning point in second half was injury to George Hall MOTM for Blues Chong.

what is Eustace reluctance in playing Hannibal why was he not on when hall was injured

Not good enough today how theve let diallo that much space for second goal is beyond me chong to do to much holding on to ball longer then he should same with bacuna should have had penalty tho but can’t be relying on ref all the time he was woeful but he usually is when referee Blues games

JE needs to get the players doing the simple things right. Too many misplaced easy passes, taking too long on the ball, not tracking runners etc. Long was MotM for me, no nonsense, wins his challenges, rarely out of position. Losing George Hall was a blow, he was causing lots of problems for their defence and pressuring well. 💙 KRO


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5 Replies to “Sunderland v Blues -Fans Reaction”

  1. I thought we played well today. worked hard. We just need to off load Juke and Hagon next season and get a goal scorer. Plain and simple.

  2. He should have brought on JJ when Hall went off. We looked a real threat on the break. Chong outstanding but needs to shoot more.

  3. No mention of the disgraceful scenes after Birmingham scored with flares and other missiles thrown down on the home fans. Then to follow that up with chants of we are Birmingham and we will do as we want from the vast majority of the away fans present . Absolute disgrace to your club.

  4. Yes agree,we were a bit too loose in midfield,either James or Chang should have come on for Hall.

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