Blues fans give their reaction to today’s away defeat at Sunderland.

Need to get the basics right. Simple rule Clear your lines you do not concede. If I was playing and had been told to play out but I know it’s goi g to cause problems then I would simply clear it as far as possible. If I then took a roasting then I would argue, show some Passion are my three words to the players

Awful none existing defending. No idea what’s happened with Sanderson. Same goals conceded each week. Got to get someone BLUE in that changing room to put some passion into it. Gave them far too much space and we can’t play football we hoof it up to Burke and Jay. Long drive home! Joys and a lot of sorrows too!

Total sht!!
Why have we brought in this clown to try and manage a footballteam. The backroom staff just as bad.
Can’t even see any improvement from the first game.
All the hype of new owners is starting to fall apart.

Defence is slow, weak, uninterested and shapeless Sanderson looks like a manic depressive the way he moves around the pitch

I feel sorry for those bluenoses who have gone all that way to see a poor performance – you have to accept that Rooney and co just aren’t up to the job – the players don’t want to play for him do they ??

No surprise really,another in the very long list of top players,who were awful managers

Just got nothing to say. Back to square one. I just don’t see Rooney. There at Christmas. . I think he will be gone.

We Created some great chances, Sadly our Defence Wasn’t good enough. He’s got 2 weeks now, I hope he gets it right, As Im starting to worry, KRO AND ALWAYS SOTV.

Dreadful defending coupled with fear through the side. Not good. We are now giving sides their easiest 90 mins of the season.

I was sitting on the fench with rooney but for me hes not the man to move us forward and i dont think the playees are playing for him 100%

Rooney’s trial period is over for me, 1 point from 15 is not acceptable. The issue is Ashley Cole, ruined Chelsea, Everton and now blues. Cannot coach at all and is making our team a laughing stock. Relegation fight is coming and Sheffield Wednesday is now a must win. Absolute joke. This team cannot play passing football so stop trying to make them

So supporters who were bouncing at the beginning of the season with the 13 signings we made and saying they were good are now slagging them off and saying they are not good enough!!
Rubbish, the players we have are not bad, it is the management of the team that is bad.
Eustace had done the hard work by bedding the team in and getting them to play together. We had a couple of stumbles on the way, but we were 6th and the defence was solid.
Ruiney comes in, we lose 4, only score 2 goals and concede 11 goals and are now 18th. What progress.
This is going to be uet another long season and another relegation battle if he still wants to play to his strengths and not the players strengths!

Just got home. The ref didn’t help today. Some good stuff played going forward but as per usual, final ball was poor. Tackling from Blues was mainly good, broke up play well but quality passing was lacking. I honestly don’t know where Rooney goes with this.


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8 Replies to “Sunderland v Blues, Fans reaction”

  1. It’s pretty obvious that we don’t have the players to play this system, and many of us could of told you that before we decided to throw away a minimum 8 odd points 6 weeks ago with a ridiculous managerial change that was always destined to send us plummeting down the league as the ‘ Transition ‘ took place, blimey we were lucky against Ipswich too make no mistake about it !
    All of this is Gary Cook’s fault, don’t care if that’s how you spell it I ain’t got respect for the man to care !
    It’s all on him, wrong decision at the wrong time for the wrong reasons with bullshit excuses ! It’s a job for the boys, for his mate, nothing more ! He’s put pressure on the players, put pressure on Rooney himself and managed to piss off the most abused football fans in World Football just as we was feeling good about the club again !!
    It’s outrageous management all round and he gets paid millions for this shit ???
    The bloke is a complete farce and if Knighthead have any intelligence or integrity whatsoever they will fuck him off back to Saudi Arabia, we’re meant to be employing ‘ World Class People ‘ if Cook is World Class I’d rather pick someone out the pub. Send him back to Saudi where he also tried to get Rooney, he tried to get Rooney at Man City too ! Hmmm I’m sure it’s nothing guys especially now he is installed at Blues, nope nothing to see there.
    So now the rhetoric from him will be, well it was always about January, and when it don’t work the back end of the season it will be ‘ well it was always about next season ‘ the players we brought in January needed time to settle in 👍🏻
    I feel sorry for the players, they work their nuts off every game for us and it’s not their fault. We have a lot of talent and spirit, zero guidance ! The ref was useless, the first goal wasn’t a corner, but it don’t matter Sunderland hit the post twice, missed numerous chances and Ruddy saved a few ! Could have been 8-1 ! Yes we missed chances too fair enough so it could have been 8-3 ?
    Ashley Cole can fuck off ! He is a materialistic arrogant prick that don’t belong at Birmingham City ! He snubbed loads of kids the other day ! Just ran off Rooney in fairness was very nice to all
    But That’s not us ! And if that’s what we’re turning into to be ‘ World Class ‘ I’d rather be covered in Shit
    We played some very good football at times, so there are positives, but positives don’t win you points, solid, organised, balanced teams win points ! We looked great at times but for long periods we also looked completely lost ! Clueless and void of ideas.
    Movement appears to be getting better but it needs to be much better than it is if you have any chance of playing this style of football.
    Also when Sunderland had 10 men ! We decided to pass it about the back until the bloke come back on, he had to be off the pitch for 30 seconds and we’re playing it round the back instead of lumping it up
    One of the most infuriating things I have ever seen in football !!!!!!!!
    Where’s Tom Brady ??? He been seen at the training ground recently ???? He should know a thing or 2 about movement ! The whole sport he plays is about movement and finding space ours is terrible
    Get ready for the…. Well we will bring the players in that can play that system in January hoping blues fans are too stupid to notice they are ousting themselves for being clueless. We all know you keep the status quo until such a time your in a position to pivot and better yourselves, planned, trained and ready to go ! Not paddle, sink and Drown
    They say they want transparency but talk bullshit,
    My advice to everybody concerned with running Birmingham City football club ! BE HONEST, we’re the best fans on the planet and we been lied to that many times we can smell it like a fart in an elevator ! We know when something stinks yet we still support you no matter what !
    We deserve better and you know it
    OWN your mistakes we ain’t fucking interested in excuses,
    You fu**** this season the day you sacked Eustace ! For the record I was open to a managerial change the day Knighthead took over ! But only for a proven manager with promotions from this league or lower leagues under belt
    The obvious choice for a statement of intent and world class appointment ( Your words not mine Tom Wagner ) was Potter !
    Every Blues fan could have told you that ! Well every blues fan apart from Gary Cook of course who basically employed his long term mate with no credentials to speak of as a manager at this level at the wrong time to play a system our new squad isn’t capable of
    Made us a complete farce and joke again ! I bet you enjoyed your champers and Qualle’ egg on avocado toast at the Stadium of light tho Gaz Cook 👍🏻👍🏻
    One last point if your still reading god knows I probably wouldn’t be
    You ask us for ‘ Patience ‘ while ‘ YOUR ‘ plans take place ! An intelligent person would have applied patience to the team and playing style getting the relevant players into the squad that would able to integrate into our current squad for this ‘ No Fear, Possession ‘ football you want so desperately to work that in actual fact seldom works in the championship ! The only teams it works for are the teams who played it in League 1/2 got promoted or those who got relegated from the prem and played it then strengthened or retained the squad to play the system not change it entirely 💋
    But what do i know 👍🏻

  2. l cannot put into words what a dire performance that was,we couldn’t put two passes together consistently,well neither side could actually.Sunderland were there for the taking today and a half descent team would have done so,it just shows how bad we were.l only hope that when Hall and Buchanan return it improves.

  3. Im a Mackem lads, i know a good few chaps from England travels.
    If i may just say with John Eustace he knew how your players worked well together, they started to play decent football.
    Wayne is nothing more than a chancer at management, he is living on his reputation as a footballer.
    Kev Phillips who is a mate, told us he dont have a clue and it feeds down to the players.
    I do hope the Blues get it right, great club, just not with WR.

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