Where do they find these Referees?

No doubt what is on the lips of every member of the Bluenose Nation this week. “Where do they find these Referees? “The answer is from players who have had their playing careers cut short, like myself, and the blokes who will never get a game as long as they live. (My apologies to Women’s players and officials. I know little of the women’s game and my remarks may well not apply to them.)

I also know that the Law makers, most of whole come from Britain are the far out of touch with the way the game is played. Add to that, the leaders of the Referee’s in this country are the worst refs from 20 years ago so the Premier League and the EFL are just reproducing all incompetence they had themselves.

So, when do they get taught to ensure that Blues get all the most stupid decisions going? That may sound frivolous but I have heard evidence that among referee’s Birmingham City FC are not the first choice of appointment.

Firstly, Hull on Saturday. The ball was out of play, not an inch out, but a good foot. The referee said he and his assistant couldn’t see. So, who’s job is it to see? The truth was neither had taken up a position to see. The ref was twenty yards behind play and the assistant needed to take one extra step to his right beyond the goal line to be able to see the ball.

Now all that said when referee’s do get their view obstructed there are other senses that come into play. Experienced referees should develop a way of recognizing evidence gives them a clue. Players have to think first to cheat. The fact that both teams stopped before the ball was crossed should have been a clue that the ball must have been out. I suggest the ref fell into the ‘never kicked a ball’ category.

On to Tuesday and another ‘never kicked a ball’ merchant. Several times the ball appeared to be out and not given including one late on which was similar to Saturday but thankfully Blues did not stop and cleared the ball.

Two penalties not given and a red card. Which did the ref get right? None you are probably thinking.

Sanderson’s shirt pull on the Coventry forward was certainly foul play but as the corner had not been taken the ball was still out of play. Therefore, a free kick could not be awarded. He could have stopped play, cautioned Sanderson and ordered the corner kick to be re-taken.

So, half right!

Blues penalty appeal? Technically it was a penalty because as the replay clearly showed the defender’s knee touched Mcgree causing him to miss his kick and go to ground. To be fair only the replay showed that and an away team, especially Blues are never going to be given them. So, some sympathy for the ref? No, he should have been closer!

The Red card? Let’s go back to Saturday and Gardener’s wild lunge followed by a head. Bertie Auld would have been embarrassed to have done that. Gardener’s tackle, far worse than Wood’s, went unpunished and had it not been for the coming together he would have been only cautioned.

In my opinion, taking one for the team like Woods did should be a Red card. But its not, as Gardener’s tackle was evidence. The Ref compounded his error by suggesting Woods was out of control. A ludicrous suggestion. 0/10 for the ref on this one. On to Blackpool with another suspension and possible injuries to contend with.

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