During the Fulham game on 15th September one of our Fans in the Tilton Road was taken seriously ill. The event that occurred lead to a medical emergency being declared. Dave Cox a second generation fan of over 50 years suffered a Cardiac Arrest. Dave had his life saved due to the quick work and life saving 1st aid that was administrated. We at Tilton Talk and all fans thank the support team at St Andrews and the First Aid staff. Finally we also want to thank the fans who initially helped Dave before making way for him to be treated and taken away so swiftly.

Tilton Talk have been in touch with Dave’s family and can confirm that on Tuesday evening Dave left hospital after having an operation to fit an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD). This device will continually monitor Dave’s heart and help to regulate potentially fast and life threatening electrical problems with the heart. Dave is now home and rehabilitating with his family.

Whilst in hospital we contacted a few of our Tilton Talk guests to help produce a get well video that was sent to Dave and his family

Dave, his family and his friends would like to thank everyone for their support throughout this distressing time.

You can save a life also

We at Tilton Talk published videos for CPR training and also placing people into the recovery position. We posted these to help promote a worthwhile cause. The training links are shown below. Please give them a view as your actions could make you a life saver also.

#Bluesfamily #bcfc #KRO Tiltontalkshow #itswhatmondaysarefor

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One Reply to “Why First Aid really helps”

  1. Well Done to Dave for doing so well after an awful time. You just had to copy Eric Christensen didn’t you? So pleased for ypur family and friends that it’s turned out so well.
    Furthermore well done to Tilton Talk show for letting us know. Thank you

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