A march and a candle for Arthur!

We all continue in disbelief at the way young Arthur Labinjo-Hughes was treated and as a family how the sports teams across the country came together last week for a 6th Minute applause. This week though is our chance as a family driven club and fans to show our respects for Arthur.

This will all start with a March from Brum to St Andrews and a wreath laying before the game against Cardiff. Fans have also raised funds for a flag that will be positioned in the stadium and be a permanent fixture. The club will also be paying respects through events at the stadium and again a minutes applause on the 6th minute. This will be followed by a Candle Light Vigil to be held in the Kop car Park on Wednesday evening which will be lead by Tom Ross.

As part of the Candle Light Vigil candles will be available with a suggested donation of 50p. Donations can also be made separate if people wish to do so. AccessiBlues will be donating all proceeds of the candle donations to the Tilton Talk Christmas venture and all money will be donated to Childline in Arthurs name. We all want to ensure that children have someone they can speak to if they need and there is no better charity.

Christmas raffle

The Tilton Talk Christmas raffle has a 1st prize of Breakfast for two with the BCFC squad at the end of the season. If you wish to purchase tickets for the Christmas raffle then please contact Craig Courtney via Messenger or at Craig.Courtney@tiltontalk.com. If you wish to just donate or pay for tickets then payments can be made on https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/tiltontalkshow?locale.x=en_GB

Finally at the beginning of the Tilton Talk show on Monday 6th we paid our own poignant tribute to Arthur. if you missed this then the intro is shown below.

#RIPARTHUR #Tiltontalkshow #BCFC #KRO

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One Reply to “A march and a candle for Arthur!”

  1. Mike Hill

    Brilliant. Let’s hope the legacy of young Arthur continually reminds us that children should be cherished and loved. They are our future generation.

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