So across Lockdown we continued to broadcast leading to an extended run of the shows. Each show we had a different guest infact over 50 in total. We asked you to vote for your favouri.es and now need you to vote for your champion of champions shows. Voting will be open for 1 week and we will then announce your top 3 shows

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4 Replies to “And the winners are ???”

  1. Sav, my Captain in my all time XI was excellent but just shaded by Lee Clark. The passion of the man and to build two teams in one season was amazing. Mr Clark you are our winner and when we have him back to receive the coveted and prestigious award can I come on the show on the fan cam KRO. Promise not to be in ore this time and will even take down the Lowry if it offends LOL

  2. They’ve all been so good 😊 But I have give my vote to Accessiblues new Ambassador 💙

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