So the club have gone public with their plans for further improve communications with the fans.

The club updated issued on 1st November can be found here. The club have detailed 3 new forums –

Blues Open House – This forum will see 100 selected fans join the clubs CEO and board members for a quarterly meeting to discuss the future and how fans can help support fundraising

  • The first Blues Open House is called Transformation
  • It will be hosted by Chief Executive Officer, Garry Cook, and members of the leadership team
  • It will take place at St. Andrew’s on Tuesday 21 November 2023, 6pm – 9.45pm

Blues Matters – This group will meet quarterly and will help the club provide constructive communication method with fans which will begin in 1st quarter if 2024

  • Official Fan Engagement Programme to be launched in January 2024
  • The official constructive communication channel between the Club and fans
  • Quarterly meetings with an official record of attendees, agenda, and action points all of which will be published for all fans to see
  • Focus on the sharing of ideas and new initiatives and reviewing key aspects of the overall fan experience
  • The group will reflect the diverse nature of the fanbase so every voice is heard

Blues Official Supporters Club – This will see the re-launch of a single supporters group. This group will bring together existing supporters groups into one overall alliance where fan power can help the club grow and progress under one umbrella

  • To organise in one body the loyal supporters of Birmingham City Football Club where we build a welcoming and communal experience for its members
  • Providing like-minded fans, the chance to benefit from their love for Blues with a range of Club related offers
  • Utilise the collective power of the Supporters Club to become a significant generator of funds for the BCFC Community Trust

These changes are a reflection of the commitment that the new owners and board announced when the investment was announced. We as fans now need to come together as once force to help us move forwards, one voice heard across the city, country and globe. It will be loud and we will be proud and as fans we can help the new owners and board take the club to the next level

I know that this will not happen overnight and its a journey that will be full of highs and lows but together this can be great. Lets not forget 12 months ago we asked for more communication and now this has started.

Lets see how things pan out and lets become one


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2 Replies to “Communication is the key and we are finally beginning to see it”

  1. who chooses what fans are selected ? We’ll just end up with the same old faces and they’ll be more worried about being there than asking awkward questions that might upset the board.

  2. Believe the club we make the decision however how they do this we are not sure. There are three groups so guessing there will be a good selection of the fan base

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