Arguments with fans are different to those across the world

Hi Bluenoses, everywhere.
I am sorry this has come so late in the day. Every time I look at the news to see where Birmingham city rank in the world news I am forced to see the murder of small children and the argument about who has the right to be more ghastly to the other side. It’s sickening and I want it to end.
Meanwhile at St Andrews the good people of every race, creed and colour come to see if their new manager can get his first win under his belt as Blues boss. Wayne is of Irish extraction, probably Catholic but most definitely Scouse. I have yet to hear anyone say anything about those characteristics as reasons for him not being manager of B.C.F.C. That makes me proud to be a Bluenose, a Football fan and British. As much as I dislike those at B6, I have no intension of bombing the Holte End or destroying any of their offspring. Bantering and taking the urine is as far as anyone needs to take our rivalry. What is the difference between us? We all must work, and we believe or disbelieve in the same God. As do Israelis and Palestinians.
Enough said. Our Wayne tomorrow has the opportunity to save his career. We play Ipswich, who are the cheeky upstarts from League one who have the nerve to do what we under the new ownership and John Eustace were expected to do. That is to challenge the teams in line for promotion. When John was here it looked like we may be in the running to do that. Our owners decided that things were not pretty enough on the field and made a change. Soccer as our Yankee doodlers call it is not like ice skating. You get nothing for looking pretty. Winning well or winning ugly gets you 3 points and anything else gets you nothing. Yes, you might get a draw but when did a team move 5 places up the table after a 0-0 draw.
Wayne, please remember where you are. Your interviews are conducted in a foreign language, and we are desperate to hear what you say before and after the game. The PTS in the table stands for POINTS not positives. They get you nothing.
The “it’ll take time” diatribe wont wash mate. You have taken up an awful lot of time in getting zero points. You have employed 5 or six new coaches who seem to be employed on an add hock basis and appear when somebody comes to film training. What you never see is all of them in one place at one time. Ashley Cole who was one of our world’s greatest full backs, for example has in his short time here, turned our current full backs from steady eddies to confused buffoons. The defense as a whole was rock steady under J.E. but is full of more holes than a cheap colander. Wayne himself was a world class striker yet under his tutelage we have scored one. Before he came, we were averaging nearly 2 a game.
The Bluenose nation all want you to succeed and tomorrow is the day to start.
God bless you all. Hope all the
Anyway, look out for ‘Watto’s Weekly Live’ on You Tube, Twitter and Facebook.
Back Monday 6th November, 2023
Keep politics out of football and concentrate on blues, people have different views on what’s happing in the world, That’s all I’m saying.
this is not politics its savagry
I’m actually one of the minority that thought that moving Eustace on was the right decision. I don’t agree with the way the club went about things but for the future of the club something had to change. In September we gained 2 points from 5 games and scored just twice, the football was pretty woeful and regardless of what JE was saying in his post match comments there was nothing good about the way we were playing. yes we then won 2 on the bounce scoring 7 goals, would we have sustained that form? I personally doubt it, in Rooney’s 3 games so far I don’t think Eustace would have done much better we might have got some sort of result against Hull but I doubt we would have got anything from Boro or Saints. I’m not a big fan of Rooney but I really hope he changes things quickly for the better. If everything happens the way the board want then exciting times are ahead, I just hope they make the right decisions at the right times. Kro
Agree with it all Watto. My opinion is that when the owners spoke to John Eustace he was honest and realistic and told them that achieving their vision would take time and they would need to be patient. Rooney is sounded out and in order to get the gig, weakly said ‘Yes I can do that’ – what my dad used to call ‘talking a good job’. And what’s Rooney saying now? ‘It’s gonna take time, patience, won’t happen overnight’. If the club has big time ambition they should do what big clubs are never afraid to do – hold their hands up, own the mistake and pay him off because he’s not right for the slow build that’s needed at this club. By being bold and doing that, they’ll be all over the media which is evidently what they wanted.
It seems like WR has come in completely from the cold and hasn’t seen us play at all. Instead of completely reinventing the wheel it should have been a job of continuing where we were doing well and improving what we weren’t. I think it was a lot more than looking pretty and instead following a blueprint that has proven successful for 19 out of the last 20 promoted sides. I think the two wins in John Eustace’s last week masks over reality. In September we were woeful and didn’t win a single game. This was similar to the awful spell we had last year. If he had been sacked in September no one would have been moaning. In fact many disgruntled fans said he should be sacked and perhaps there was some of them drinking with Tom Wagner. WR is an A lister and with that comes intense media glare. Both the sacking of JE and Rooney’s appointment has seen us hear the viewpoint of every Tom, Dick and Harry. The fans didn’t want Rooney because of his poor record as he isn’t seen as an upgrade on John Eustace. If it had been someone like Graham Potter the fans would have been fully behind him. Most feel the sacking was unjustified and Wayne Rooney undeservedly got the position. The owners have made a decision and we have no choice but to have to get behind it and their man. The media pressure is intense and the reaction from some of the fans has been hysterical. Fans need to however keep things in perspective and look at the long term plans of the board. It may be short term pain in the road to the long term gain. In the end it’s a results game and if Rooney cannot deliver he’ll be relieved of his duties.
spot on mate.
I am reading this after watching the Ipswich game , how do we rate Rooney now ? 1st half i suppose the players take the credit 2nd half it’s Rooney’s fault that they couldn’t see the game out ! I reckon the world class full back and the world class striker must have coached it into them to give a last minute goal away ! These are professional footballers who are supposed to know what they are doing yet according to you in a few short months they have had everything they know coached out of them ! The truth is that the “world class players “ who are now our coaches already know that most of this squad are simply not good enough .
I’m reading rubbish about a rock solid defence. Roberts, Longelo, Drameh were pretty ropey under John Eustace as well. That’s 4 crosses in a row Drameh has failed to cross resulting in 4 goals. Maybe it’s Ashley Cole that any complaints should be directed at. What exactly does he teach these guys? If Rooney is coaching Stansfield it’s working 😉.
spot on
* failed to stop (correction)
We all want Rooney to be a success, after all if we don’t we are saying we want Blues to fail. Rooney wouldn’t have been my choice, but he wasn’t the one who made that decision. I do think he has been foolish in trying for a revolution rather than an evolution in style, though how much that is down to pressures from above we don’t know, but he certainly needs results quickly if he wants to keep the fans onside.
spot on