Did you know that you can get Tilton Talk on you mobile or tablet home screen? Well you can, just follow the simple instructions below and you can access the site at any time from anywhere. You can add links to your Apple and Android devices by following the steps and videos below.

Apple Devices

  1. Open safari on your device and search for www.tiltontalk.com
  2. Once the website has opened click on the square box with the arrow pointing up
  3. scroll down to Add to Home Screen
  4. Select Add, this will then load an app Icon. To launch simply select the icon and the website will launch

Android Device

  1. Open internet on your device and search for www.tiltontalk.com
  2. Once the website has opened click on the three dots in top right hand corner
  3. scroll down to Add to Home Screen
  4. Select Add, then select add automatically for the picture this will then load an app Icon. To launch simply select the icon and the website will launch

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