Thanks to all followers of Tilton Talk Show and Blues Trust for supporting the issuing of an Open letter to the Executives and Owners of Birmingham City PLC. We also would like to thank you for your feedback on the letters content and following this a series of small changes have been made to remove inaccuracies. We at Tilton Talk and Blues Trust are happy that the changes do not change the substance of the letter

Remember the more signatures we have the louder our voices will be so #getyourvoiceheard

We at Tilton Talk have partnered with the Blues Trust to prepare an open letter to the owners of Birmingham City PLC and the Board. We are asking blues fans to sign up to the contents of the letter that calls for the appointment of an experienced CEO to stop the rot that these owners are presiding over . The idea is to demonstrate to the owners that the vast majority of fans whilst backing Lee Bowyer and the team are demanding change at the Board and CEO level.

To have your voice heard please read the details below and then complete the petition information, if you haven’t already done so. Please complete the petition only once because any duplicate entries will not be counted.  The more signatures the louder your voice so if you have 5 season ticket holders or people who watch the games then we need all 5 to sign.  

So come on lets #getyourvoiceheard !

To the Owners and Executives of Birmingham City Plc,

The fans of Birmingham City FC are annoyed and tired with the continuing poor standards of executive management at our beloved club. We are generally a group that accepts and forgives mistakes so long as lessons are learnt. But years of decline provides the evidence to show that the executive management is severely lacking in its ability to run a football club or even learn to run a football club. This makes us question what the executive is planning next and to whether achieving the best for Birmingham City FC is top of their priority list.

This is the shocking list of decline

From This To Now
Promotion chasing Mens Team Relegation fighters, as a result of poor decision making and detrimental interference on football matters by the executive that has wasted money, brought instability and lack of unity within the club
One of the top Women’s Teams in the country Relegation Fighters, following interference in structure and managerial appointments by executive with an exodus of good staff and players
Academy producing top players Doubt and uncertain future following executive announcements and exodus of good staff
Top administrative management team People with little expertise unable to fill the massive gaps left by exodus of good staff following disputes with executive
Close relationship with fans Lack of basic communication with fans with a lack of transparency in plans, decision making, financial stability and future of the club.
Debt free club with sustainable business plan Massive debts, uncertain business plan with opportunities lost and investment wasted. Unclear financial arrangements, use of money from opaque sources and breach of EFL financial rules.
Maintained ground with safety certificate in the ownership of Birmingham City FC Unsafe ground with confusion over repairs programme and uncertainty as to who owns it with at least 2 companies having partial ownership (both operating in off shore regimes).
Hope of improvement under new owners Realisation that owners are destroying our club, the identity of ownership is unclear / unknown and involves an extremely complex structure of companies, and individuals with intertwined loans, debts and equity dealings.

We fans will always support the teams and the managers. We are all over the moon about the recent results achieved by Lee Bowyer and the team. But the fans cannot support the continuing incompetence at Owner and Executive level. Support for the Executive and Owners has been lost and the rot has to be stopped.

By signing this petition, we call for the Owners (whoever they are) and Executive team to acknowledge the errors made as a result of poor executive management, and to appoint and empower a competent CEO with experience of running a football club, who understands Blues and will be able to support Lee Bowyer and Carla Ward and the players.

Blues Trust in partnership with Tilton Talk Show

The petition form is shown below.  If for any reason it doesn’t show up, just click on this link or enter this URL in your browser and click ‘Enter’   https://forms.gle/iZPWAAaLmoBDunMCA

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One Reply to “Update to the Open letter to the owners of Birmingham City PLC”

  1. I have supported the Blues since I met my husband in 1950, we have been Season Ticket Holders since we got married in 1952, we have have some great teams, and players, but, we needs a complete reorganization, and a large amount of money spent on new players, because we are no where near where we should be.

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