If you have been watching Blues for over 60 years or 6 weeks, you will realise that our crazy club has some strange ways of going about things. Last week was typical of the way that they have for many years done things that you can’t believe possible. A wonderful performance at the Den against a side firmly in a play-off place which was not only music to the ears of Blues fans, but it would have really choked our old pals at Millwall. Add to the fact that the whole of the Lions management team are ex-Bluenoses it made for a wonderful evening. Four days later against a Blackpool side virtually doomed for the drop we manage to present them with three points. A lifeless attack and a freak goa, l so out of context from the previous game saw yet another 0-1 home defeat against struggles. I cannot count the number of times Blues have done this. Twice in the 90’s we followed 7 goal wins at Stoke and Oxford by failing to score in the subsequent home game.

Hull, Preston and Stoke have all been beaten on their own patch yet Blues failed each time to win the return home game.

Let’s analyze the season. Against the bottom 6 teams Blues have dropped 24 points. Had we managed to only drop 12 points wewould be on the same points as Sunderland who are sixth. The 24 points would put us in 4th place and have a secure play off place, 

Much has been said about the number of clean sheets we have achieved. John Ruddy has done wonderfully well especially with the changes in format, and personnel. 6 shut outs away and 7 at home. In 4 games where we were impregnable, we also failed to score. There was another 8 points gone begging. Blues failing forward line now down to a one-man battleship in Jukey havefailed to score on 15 occasions, 8 at home. 6 of those games were 1-0 defeats in which one goal would have been worth another point. 

Finally, we have been awarded only 6 penalties this year and two were missed, although only one of those cost us points,

The current total of 53 points is better than the previous 6 seasons and we have never been remotely involved in the relegation battle. Even the 11 out of 12 defeats run after Christmas made a few of us nervous but were steered clear of the rocks before we were anywhere near disaster. 

We are obviously in need of the kind of attack that can score 50plus goals between them. We have never replaced Che Adams 20 goals. Not even the Moneyball tactic of replacing him with three strikers has worked because goals from other areas are still in short supply.

In July when we started, we would have snapped your hand of to be offered that total and relative safety. The point is it won’t take much to move the team forward, will it?

God Bless all you Bluenoses and stay safe.

Anyway, look out for ‘Watto’s Weekly Live’ on You Tube, Twitter and Facebook. 

God Bless you all


Back Wednesday 6.30 April 24th

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5 Replies to “60 or 6 years it makes no difference we are blues”

  1. I blame the Eustice and the management team. Everybody… and I mean everybody knew we needed a forward last season. But still no one came in the summer or January or on loan.
    I also worry Eustice can only play one way. Lost count the number of teams that “like to play football” by the commentators and some of these are lower table. Why can’t we play better football ?!
    We need a new manager and new players. FACT

  2. Perfectly summed up. With a plethora of high earners out of contract it is a great opportunity to fix our books. Hopefully the takeover happens soon and we can start looking forward to a much brighter future.

  3. as well as a forward,in my opinion we need a ball playing midfielder who can chip in a few goals ,we huffed and puffed at Coventry and bacuna hit the woodwork at the end no real attempts at goal and it has been much the same all season ,not sure the manager can improve the situation but who knows how pre season will pan out kro

  4. Complacency,a lot of players know they are on a easy wicket in regards to wages and selection.Agree that Eustace is probably not the man for the job,some of his Team selections have baffled me and why keep selecting players who probably won’t be with us next Season and why play Trusty at left back again ???? He could have easily played Williams and Longelo as full backs yesterday,gave Nico Gordon a run out and bought back Alfie Chang who as done nothing wrong but seems to have been discarded.He could have bought a under 23 forward in,what had he got to loose??? terrible selections.Jukiewitz,Deeney and Hogan are not the future of our Club,just hope Hall isn’t packing his bags for his next destination if so we are in the mire.

  5. Who in there right mind believes that Juke, Hogan and Deeney would get the goals needed to win games ? We need fast young ruthless strikers and before someone says “ they cost money “ they are out there , just go and find them they dont just magically appear . I am sick of people saying Jukey holds the ball up well ! That will get us promoted then !!! Have a look at Luton or even Coventry and tell me that Birmingham City can’t achieve what they have ??

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