If the win against Bristol was terrific then the follow up at Hull was superb. Apart from the second penalty taken by Troy Deeney which was launched into the stratosphere, it was almost faultless. I am falling in love with this team. I enjoy every player who is pulling on a Blues shirt both on the field and those on the bench. Rock solid defenders, ball playing mid-fielders and strikers who know where the net is. Or in Deeno’s case, row Z. Just kidding mate. Troy’s work rate and support play has been exemplary.

As I said on the TILTON TALK SHOW last Monday in my 63 years watching Blues often away wins are followed by the dropping of home points. So it proved on Wednesday as Blues took on the then League leaders Burnley. Nothing wrong with our play or the effort. Bacuna, scorer of the likely goal of the season on Sunday found himself back on the bench so that Sanderson could return to the back line. The back line that was solid as a rock. How good was Harley Dean?

Harley was shipped out by Lee Bowyer to make way for Dean Sanderson. Dean was shuffled off to QPR where he worked with John Eustace. Harley could not be returned, and we are stuck with only one central defender of any experience (Marc Roberts).

In comes teenager Nico Gordon and suddenly the Academy cough’s up another potential super star. Ironically the youngster’s injury has enabled Harley Dean to resurrect his Birmingham career. What a merry-go-round!

Harley has put in two exemplary performances this week. Amazingly after Blues’ fabulous equalizer by Hogan and a wonderful assist by George Hall, Blues No12 was hauled off. This was a tremendous attacking move by Eustace who went to a back-four to try and nick the winner. It almost came off but a point from the League leaders was satisfactory. (For our younger readers, a back-four is when the team plays with two centre backs and two full backs in a straight line)

This mad month with 11 games leading up to the World Cup is going to be testing for the Club. Gardner, Friend, Gordon, the Polish Lad, are needed to rest some of the youngsters. Chong, Hannibal, Longelo are running themselves into the ground every game. Not that we don’t have some young aces on the bench now. When their turn comes along, we will need some experienced personnel to back them up.

So, to Blackburn on Saturday, another place where we have a couple of victories in 60 years! Bogies are there to be laid. Baggies and Hull were laid to rest and a third would be nice. The Rovers are flying at the moment, but we are starting to become a big hurdle to overcome.

As I write I have just heard that Liz Truss and Steve Gerrard have both been dumped on the same day. The leaders of the two most despicable organizations on planet earth given the last card in the pack, the Tin tack, the DCM (Don’t come Monday), a P45, the Boot or shown the door. Apparently, they were both told that it was hard to see how they were going to do without them. Both of the evil empires were happy to give it a try.

Happy Days

God Bless & stay safe Bluenoses

#KRO Its back


This Mon 24th Oct 2022

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4 Replies to “The fight is back, the team is back and now the roar of the fans is back.”

  1. Very unlucky against Blackburn,it just reiterated why we need another Striker as Hogan although he is really playing well just misses to many chances.Think the rest of the side is fine and we look completely different when we play with pace.The Goals against Watford and Burnley show show that no defence can cope with fast breaks down the wing,both brilliant efforts with Hall and Hogan.
    Not too much wrong just another reliable Striker

  2. A typically brilliant read but Mr Sanderson’s first name is Dion and not Dean.

    I’m thinking this is predictive text, or old age Mr Chairman

    As I write blues were undone by poor finishing yet again but played well and continue to build.

    Looking forward to the new year window to see if we can bring someone in that can score more regularly. Again we are creating and again we are not scoring enough

    Come on lads


  3. Their keeper played out of his skin and was in inspired form. Fantastic effort from the lads and very unlucky not to get anything. Hogan could’ve had another hattrick. It seems if he has time to think he overthinks it and messes up. Still Hogan is only a goal behind the top scorer in the championship who has 8 goals. Loving the way we are playing at the moment and though we have the fixture list from hell at present I look forward to us locking horns with inform sides QPR and Millwall instead of looking on with dread and expecting the worst.

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